Steve Bareham is the author of The Last Resort, a ground-breaking new financial advice book which has recently hit bookstores throughout Canada. A refreshingly unique look at issues that Canadians face as they plan for a healthy, active and financially secure retirement, The Last Resort has received rave reviews from people from all walks of life. Bareham, a self-described "average boomer," has compiled a personal finance standard for all people concerned about retirement, wealth and happiness. His book outlines the importance of people taking the time to become a knowledgeable partner in the challenge of shaping a secure financial future, combining health and lifestyle information with tips and tactics to ensure fiscal success.
President of a communications firm specializing in publishing and business consulting, Steve teaches entrepreneurship, business communication and marketing at the community college level. Steve has an extensive and diverse background as a reporter and editor in the Canadian newspaper industry as well as experience with a public utility and various educational organizations throughout western Canada. His approach to financial planning is insightful, down-to-earth and delivered in a results-oriented, sensible and enlightening fashion.
Throughout the book, Steve delivers topical information on issues relating to demographics and the resulting implications for the Canadian and North American economy as we move into the new millennium. He discusses what it means to Canadians that by the year 2011, one in four Canadians will be of retirement age, the highest ratio ever in our history. Steve challenges his audiences to understand the ways in which our society and economy will be different and what we will need to do between now and then to prepare, both emotionally and financially.
The book itself has been touted as a wonderful blend of demographics, economics and philosophy, while at the same time being described as a creative blending of The Wealthy Barber and The Celestine Prophecy. It is chock-full of life-planning strategies for a more enjoyable life now… and after work.
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